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Quidditch to Quadball

QuidditchUK have announced plans to follow the likes of USQ and MLQ in the renaming of Quidditch to Quadball. This change is likely to come into effect in January 2023, however many teams are already beginning the rebranding process.


Whilst we are unsure how this development will effect our little club, we are excited to see how this will help our sport develop. It also brings us great joy to see our very welcoming community move further from the relationship with an author-who-shall-not-be-named. 


First to take the leap from Quid to Quad was Team England, who very quickly changed their social media's (perhaps in the hopes it would inspire others to do the same!) Given their recent win at the IQA European Games (supported by our very own El Southwell, pictured in celebration), it would seem change is in the air for UK Quidditch, and we are thrilled to be a part of it. 


It's the last week of term, and therefore... AWARDS TIME! 

Congratulations to everyone who won, you thoroughly deserved it! 

Special thanks to Captain Charlotte for organising :)


We also had our elections this week! Head on over to our meet the exec page to see who is now running the most magical society on campus!


Over the Easter Holidays, WQC travelled up to Sheffield to compete in the British Quidditch Cup. After (narrowly) qualifying after second Southern - where we played with a severely diminished squad (Thanks, Storm Eunice), we were just happy to be there. Being lead by Captain Charlotte and Coach Scott, we were all in high spirits and good company. 

After some tough games against Oxford, Liverpool, Exeter, Southampton and Leicester, we are super proud to announce we came FOURTH!!! The team absolutely smashed it, and we couldn't be more impressed with the performance of each and every player. 


Player of the Tournament: Khushi Sampat


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