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  • Writer's pictureWarwick Quidditch Club

Why You Should Join Quidditch

Updated: Apr 26, 2020

By Dina Caruso for The Boar

Everyone’s seen Harry Potter and thought “I could give that a go”. Well now you can. Warwick Quidditch Club’s Dina Caruso explains why you should join a sport that you definitely won’t have tried before coming to university…


Unlike many other societies, Quidditch enables you to travel frequently across the UK and Europe. Last season we played in various locations across the UK including Nottingham, Staffordshire, Leeds and Oxford.  Warwick have also played on the international stage; qualifying for the European Quidditch Cup last season, hosted in Gallipoli, Italy. If this isn’t enough to convince you, we are going on tour to Bologna, the student capital of Italy, to train alongside the local team.

Mixed-gender and Inclusive

Image: Ajantha Abey

Our club welcomes all genders, all sexualities, all backgrounds and all abilities. Quidditch is the only full contact, mixed gender sport in the world; it prides itself on encouraging gender equality and destroying gender stereotypes.  Females very often out-play their male counterparts; outrunning them, tackling them and outscoring them on a regular basis.

As a full contact sport, tackling is an important aspect of the game, although not entirely central.  Quidditch is constantly at war with the out-dated belief that men and women cannot participate in sport together. It is incredibly rewarding to see women build their confidence against the male players, seeing them tackle the opposition without an ounce of fear, proving that whatever men can do, women can do too.

Alternative, new and unique

The sport is a mixture of dodge-ball and rugby and unique in the fact that we play on brooms (no, we don’t fly). How many people do you know who play quidditch? Don’t knock it till you try it.

Gateway to other sports and better fitness

Image: Sai Quidditch Photography

We train four-eight hours a week and everyone undertakes their own personal fitness regime. Quidditch transforms players into true athletes; your development as a player and an athlete can be truly incredible – through regular training and competition your confidence will go from strength to strength.

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